doctor on laptop


Learn more about eHub


eHub Specialist

Dr Ross Dyer-Smith

Lead GPs

  • Dr Maryam Ahmad
  • Dr Helen Shires 

Senior Practice Operations Manager

Najeeb Razzaq

The eHub is an online consultation hub delivering online consultations, utilising eConsult, at scale, to around 110,000 patients across Hurley Group’s 12 GP practices in London.

It is a team of experienced and highly trained online and surgery based clinicians who are able to resolve between 85-90% of online consultations without a patient having to attend the GP practice. The teams have full access to the medical records (if they are working at another site or if they are sat in the GP surgery) enabling safe and effective care.

In addition to this it provides support to process practice workflow such as sign prescriptions, review lab reports and document management, significantly easing pressure on practices when sites are under pressure from administrative burden (for instance when sickness arises, holiday periods or when demand is high). This has amounted to over 700 hours of administration taken away from practices.


The eHub has integrated Clinical Pharmacists, Physicians Associate and Nurse Practitioners. Recruitment in the eHub is 10 times that of regular general practice and currently has a waiting list. Staff can work flexibly and remotely, including from home, allowing us to flex our capacity to demand in a matter of minutes. Our team has clinical meetings virtually and communicates predominately through online channels. All team members work in face to face primary care in addition to their online roles. Particularly transformational has been the ability to utilise NHS doctors who now live abroad, retaining a workforce that would have otherwise been lost to the NHS.